
Thursday, December 27, 2007


I have come to the realisation that I'm wasting my time. That said, I am very angry and frustrated with myself.
To explain, I have been out of school for over a month and a half now, and I'm still unemployed, I'm still not going out and doing any thing, and I'm STILL resting on my laurels.
I've been looking for a job, but its my fault for being stupid enough not to look before the end of christmas casual hiring.
That said, I feel like changing the way I am, because I'm tired of certain aspects of my life. I'm tired of being socially stunted, and I'm tired of being unfit (for those of you who know me and think im fit, I really have no endurance what so ever) and I'm so tired of wasting my time.
Time is a valualbe and rare comodity, us men have about 72 years on average of it to spend, women 80. And since time is so valuable, there is no sense in wasting it.
I'm going to start getting out and enjoying myself and living.
For those of you who are still wasting your lives, please do something with your time. Even if you're going to sit infront of the TV, don't let that time fall to dis use, make something of it, because i can think of nothing sadder than not making something of your life


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