
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Editorial: To call everything by its right name

Now i've had some of my readers say to me that this blog shouldn't be called CHUCK DAILY, because i fail to post daily. While true that I don't get around to posting daily, I do try to post as often as I can, given my busy scheduel. But there has been calls for the name of my blog to be changed to something more along the lines of "THE CHUCK WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT" or "THE CHUCK EVERY SO OFTEN", now while i believe its all good an well to have a name like CHUCK DAILY, i do also recognise that it is a slight misrepresentation (thus the disclaimer to the side). Either way I shall open the name of my blog to you, my readers, to decide on. Please comment you're suggestions here. After a week or two, i'll take the suggestions and add it to a poll, whatever you think sounds best, i'll put up.

Ok now onto the next part of the agenda.

Now while I have around 100+ hits a month, i have noticed, due to the brilliance (although it could be better) of my web counter, that i have a high incidence of readers that read in ENGLISH/US, among smaller amounts in other languages. Now whether or not that is due to the fact that I have people in america reading my blog, or that the language settings of people i know, who are reading my blog, are set to ENGLISH/US, I won't know until my blog counter gives me a new set of data relating to where everybody who is reading this comes from. But none the less, i shall take this opportunity to thank everyone, be it from the US, Australia, Australia with US language on their browsers, China, the UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Polland, Brazil, Romania, Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Germany, Denmark or Taiwan, for reading my blog.

This little segment was something I came up with in the early days of my blog, when it was known as SBOEL (the Spontaneous Banter of Everyday Lives) and was to congratulate people on their birthdays. I thought i might bring it back.
For today: the 16th of March, I know of only one birthday in my closer circles, whether or not he's reading this is beyond me, but to you Mr Whiteside, Happy birthday, thats 19 birthday bashes i owe you when i see you next.
For the rest of the week Birthday bashes go out to Mandy C, my brother Alex and Georgia M. All up thats about 19+19+22+20= 80 birthday bashes this week.


Anonymous said...

we get our way

Cheswick said...

Perish the thought Gabrielle, the whole point of this post was to get other ideas for names, and no more of this power to the people business, its very socialist in manner. Not that I'm against socialism, or for it for that matter, i remain A-Political. Either way, make suggestions.

Anonymous said...

i dont like making suggestions because then that makes me feel like im pushing you into doing something that you dont want to do. see- i dont make decisions for the very same reason. i have complex way of thinking which is really just my way of being lazy!
gabby :)

Cheswick said...

You do realise that when we get to it in Psych, im going to sit you down and have a good psychoanalysis of your indecision. There's like an entire chapter devoted to such things in the textbook :) and like it or lump it you have been making suggestions, just not any real tangible ones that directly relate to the topic at hand. No the suggestions you make are directive and tell me to just change the name.
well it will be done, as of today infact. You shall see the rebirth of the CHUCK DAILY under a new alias. you shall see...