Anyway on with the story. Alex decided to go to flinders st station to get some metcards (we bought a weekly each) and ended up dragging me along with him (while i had no idea where we were going), on the way i ammused myself by filming alex's bag walking.
We eventually decided to stop at a 7 eleven and buy tickets there. From there we decided (even though our room would not be ready) to go to our hotel and check in, which meant a walk back down the street we'd just come up (forgive me but i've forgotten which one that is exactly) to the tram stop outside the train station. Alex, ever the "practical" person, decided to walk down the tram tracks.
Anyway, at the tram station we met a lovely woman who worked for the local transport service as some sort of a guide, or whatever, she was there to direct people to the right trams. We talked about weather and transport. Most notably in my mind was when we were talking about Melbourne's MyKi service that was going into effect "some time into the future".
Her words were "they tell us its coming, we just don't know when"
I laughed, then appologised (Alex and the woman gave me a slightly odd look) and explained what was on my mind. "sorry, its just that it sounds incredibly like the church. 'the rapture is coming/jesus is coming... we just don't know when"
After our tram arrived (i believe it was the 96 tram to St Kilda Beach) we boarded and then were off to St Kilda. Upon arrival we walked the good 300 m to our hotel/hostel called the Ritz for Backpackers situated on Fitzroy and the corner of some other st... (memory like a gold fish i have). To shorten our story, the room wasn't ready but the complimentary breakfast (that was a daily thing) was about to start, so we stuck around and got pancakes (yay) and met a few of the residents. I won't say names because i don't remember all of them (i do remember some). After breakfast, our rooms still weren't ready, so we stored our luggage and went to the st kilda markets on the esplanade. Bought some stuff, went back, charged camera as much as possible, alex took a nap, i did some traineeship course work and then at 1 we left for the CBD for our art tour.
The Walk to Art tour was cool, Bernie (who runs the tours, and is an art consultant for artists who've been practicing for about 20 years) showed us around the street art and stuff around melbourne, that you wouldn 't usually see unless you were looking. It was fascinating seeing all the street art from an appreciative high art point of view. It took 3 hours, took lots of photos, got to meet an artist who does aerosol pointilism, which was very cool. and then had a bit of an afternoon tea in an art cafe.
We went grocery shopping, in the hope of cooking dinner for ourselves. It was when we finished shopping and were making our way back to our hotel that i realised that it was now 9:30 pm and that the kitchen closed at 10pm, so we wouldn't make it in time to cook, so we ate out that night.
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