After work that day (which finished at 00:00 so really it was after work the next day, *shrug* technicallities) i went to Pat and Caitlyn (and incidentally Tom's) for a Hat Party, which was a house warming party for tom at the same time. For those who can't figure out what i mean by hat party, its just a party where everyone has to wear a hat.
Sat and chatted with a few people, discussed the contagiousness of yawns, and then laughter, and then there was the love couch.
Picture putting as many people as you can, on one two seater couch and you have the love couch... got the image? well here are a few more to supplment it.
I left the hat party at 2:45 am to get a night ride bus, which i missed and had to wait till 3:30 for another one (at which stage i could have skated - oh yeah i had my flow board on me - to central and then to townhall, but i didn't) which meant i got home at 4 in the morning, and i stayed up till 5 before throwing in the towel, going to bed and then got up at 10:30 for the next day and my next shift.
Sunday's shift was 2 hours long (despite being rostered on for 4 hours, i got to go home early), at home my brother and I made a body form of me, out of duct tape and an old shirt. I don't have any photos of it being made but i have the finished result. Its a grey shell of me... all i have to do is stuff it.
Ok, so you're probably asking why i did that. well i was on youtube and stumbled across threadbanger, a DIY program that teaches you (well not teaches in the usual sense of the word but more gives you guidelines on how to do things) how to make stuff (mostly clothes though). I saw how to make a body form and i thought cool, that would be awesome, I'm going to do that.
So i did, and now i really want a sewing machine. *sigh* hand sewing clothes sucks.
well thats all for now, i'm off to finish off some traineeship work, buy some fabric (i'll tell you the reason why later) and possibly visit the doctors if i have time (i need to get a serology done, to find out what im vaccinated against - because i have no idea)
thanks for reading
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