
Thursday, February 04, 2010

There's a hole in your leg, dear Charles, dear Charles, there's a whole in your leg, dear Charles a hole.

So i pulled off the dressing i did when i got home because i was concerned about how soaked it had become, and thought i could redress it with some of the dressing pack materials i had from Nursing. However the combines i had were not large enough or were over their use by date. So by the time I had already pulled it off and disposed of my non-adhesive dry dressing I had come to realise that i probably couldn't re-dress my wound. What followed was a very painful night for some unknown reason. But the next day i went to the Med centre and got this.
And so i present to you
Day 2

This is a couple of gelonets (the yellowy things that currently look like they have a giant bubble of either air or pus under it) and several tegaderms.
There are more than there should be due to the fact that the dressing began leaking during the day. Yay excess exudate!
No it wasn't pus, just plasma mixed with gel.
still quite the painful though.

Day 3
Right so i've had the dressing on a whole 24 hours... and the exudate has gradually changed colour from yellow to ochre to now red. I suspect i may have rubbed and bumped my wound against a bit too much at work tonight. Still... I'll probably need to visit the med centre again to get it re-dressed tomorrow which will be a pian since i don't have the time to do it
Anyway without further ado, my leg on day 3 in pictorial form

The bandage is there to catch exudate (more commonly known as oooze)
I wonder how its going underneath the dressings. Will find out when I get it changed

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