Am currently single...
not sure if everyone knows this but i've been single for quite some time since i broke up with Kieran in December. We're still friends and I'm going to her birthday party next week.
Was in partly in charge of running the Science Revue's O-week stall and opperations at the start of uni (because I'm the Science Revue's Publicity Officer). It all went quite well. Lots of prep went in to it, got plenty out of it and overall it was a good 3 days. The only downer from that entire time was when FILMSoc and TommyT (whoever the hell that is) decided to tag over some of our freshly painted designs, and in effect made it look like they painted it. What we had done was made an attempt at making a 3D floor painting. if you google image search 3d chalk, you'll see what i mean. It was a conical flask containing a Spider-platypus, in foetal position, with a placard next to it saying "we're concoting something funny". It took 1 week's preparation and 2 days to paint the thing.
So when we finished painting and everything was dry, we left. Within an hour of us leaving, some members of FILMSoc, who I don't know the names of, which is probably a good thing for them, because im still angry (I'm a slow burn kind of guy, 3 months on its still smouldering) went into
When i heard about it, i went on a slow spiral into controlled *barely* rage. At first i was like "oh no" because we had just left, and someone had gone over our work. One day had passed and i hadn't seen it yet, and people were telling me it wasn't so bad, so i was ok. The second day of O-week came and i took a break from the stall and went to see it. When i did I was so angry, my mind did some sort of internal silent combustion. I suppose its called me snapping... i was so angry i was shaking from the effort of resisting the urge to go break something, and badly. But being a slow burn kind of person, and a very controlled person, I took a breath and marched over to the FILMSoc stall and let them have a very polite piece of my mind (i am actually very proud that i didn't blow up at them, because the
Anyway the whole issue was sorted out by the Producer, Paul, who ended up speaking to the people responsible when i was out of the stall, and they had been told and came over to defend themselves and apollogise. It was probably a good thing that i was not there because i would have lost it.
all in all it was an interesting time.
Started Nursing...
I've started my nursing courses. They're pretty fun, i'm getting good marks and over all i'm enjoying it very much. There are some things that i will have to do, in this line of work that im a bit apprehensive, reticient or even scared of doing (having to wash someone's genitals when im out on clinical placement is one example), but i think i'll end up overcoming it.
They say bad luck comes in threes...
Lost my wallet on the bus one day. Start of a string of bad luck (which is probably a bias fallacy but i don't care). Loosing wallet = loss of entire life. My identity, credit card and bank card, medicare, membership cards etc, lost alot of time as well due to the cancellation and replacement process. Fourtunately i had taken to wearing my student id in a lanyard around my neck, which formed the basis of my identification from there on.
The next piece of bad luck was when i ate some food that wasn't so fresh anymore, and gave my self some food poisoning. Nothing too serious, just a bit of the runs. Those of you who might know me well, know i have a bit of an iron stomach, and will not throw up, even if i have food poisoning. However if you do see me throw up, either a) that is one hell of a microbe, to be able to make me throw up, or b)there is something seriously wrong, if the urge to throw up is overiding my conscious will to not throw up.
The third and supposedly last piece of bad luck was loosing my phone. left it at frisbee training. However i take that as the last of the three events of bad luck, and as my luck would have it (now that the pattern or bad luck was satisfied) it was found and turned into the gym right next to the field. So i ended up getting it back. Some of my friends who i had told about my string of bad luck, theorised that i still had one more piece of bad luck, and jokingly suggested that i might loose "something else" that very night (note i was talking with purely men and they were hinting that it was to be "bad luck" to loose this particular thing, as opposed to good luck, depending on who was responsible *pointed look*). Oh and i still have yet to replace my drivers license, which i have to do... going out with out one is really hard. I did however manage to get into 4-5 pubs around uni, whilst on a frisbee social (pub golf), without my ID. But the further away from uni you get, the harder it is to get into places, and there's only so much rejection a man can take.
Most recently, I set of a fire alarm in my apartment (oh yes im currently living in an apartment in the city, its a long story that i will not get into) while i was cooking dinner. Most expensive dinner i've ever paid for. The fire alarm issues an automatic distress signal to the fire brigade, which costs the body corporate money, which in turn costs me money. Something like $263.75. So yes, most expensive meal i've ever had... not happy, now im ever so slightly broke.
Thats all that's happened to me so far. In academic news im going pretty well in all my subjects except MBLG. For a little while I almost had no major, but thanks to Chloe, that crisis was averted. I have an epic next 3 weeks for Microbiology because i have an assignment/assessment of some form due each week for the practicals, and because the semseter is beginning to wrap up, lots of stuff is due, or getting assessed, and the ever present threat of exams looms closer and closer.
During the semester break, i'll be going on clinical placement for one of my Nursing courses. I'll be going to Science Revue Camp at the end of semester break, and I hope to probably find a job that will give me some experience in either science (ie microbiology/virology or nursing (as an AIN - assistant in Nursing)
A little Plug
just for those who are interested, The Science Revue this year is going to be called JURASSIC QUARK. The Auditions are starting on the 18th of May and go till the 29th. details will be posted on the science revue website and anybody interested in auditioning should come along, because its heaps of fun and a great experience.
Well thats all from me. I guess I'm still making massive blog posts... really should post more often to avoid this, but i think that will just make me go on and on and on for ages about one thing that happened before i blog. *shrug* Oh and I haven't cut my hair since October of last year, so its getting quite long now.
Thanks for reading!
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