Ok I've decided to change the name of my blog, it will now be known as [Chuck's "meh"...]. Reasons being? well originally the CHUCK whenever i feel like it, was suggested but felt that was too long, and thought about if there was a word that encompassed that one phrase. my answer was "meh", so i ran with it.
Well thats all thats news today.
Oh and there's a chance in the near future that my hair will be dyed semi permenantly green.
Would you like to see charles's hair green? text "YES" to... lol just kidding.
Watch this space. Updates soon
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Editorial: To call everything by its right name
Now i've had some of my readers say to me that this blog shouldn't be called CHUCK DAILY, because i fail to post daily. While true that I don't get around to posting daily, I do try to post as often as I can, given my busy scheduel. But there has been calls for the name of my blog to be changed to something more along the lines of "THE CHUCK WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT" or "THE CHUCK EVERY SO OFTEN", now while i believe its all good an well to have a name like CHUCK DAILY, i do also recognise that it is a slight misrepresentation (thus the disclaimer to the side). Either way I shall open the name of my blog to you, my readers, to decide on. Please comment you're suggestions here. After a week or two, i'll take the suggestions and add it to a poll, whatever you think sounds best, i'll put up.
Ok now onto the next part of the agenda.
Now while I have around 100+ hits a month, i have noticed, due to the brilliance (although it could be better) of my web counter, that i have a high incidence of readers that read in ENGLISH/US, among smaller amounts in other languages. Now whether or not that is due to the fact that I have people in america reading my blog, or that the language settings of people i know, who are reading my blog, are set to ENGLISH/US, I won't know until my blog counter gives me a new set of data relating to where everybody who is reading this comes from. But none the less, i shall take this opportunity to thank everyone, be it from the US, Australia, Australia with US language on their browsers, China, the UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Polland, Brazil, Romania, Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Germany, Denmark or Taiwan, for reading my blog.
This little segment was something I came up with in the early days of my blog, when it was known as SBOEL (the Spontaneous Banter of Everyday Lives) and was to congratulate people on their birthdays. I thought i might bring it back.
For today: the 16th of March, I know of only one birthday in my closer circles, whether or not he's reading this is beyond me, but to you Mr Whiteside, Happy birthday, thats 19 birthday bashes i owe you when i see you next.
For the rest of the week Birthday bashes go out to Mandy C, my brother Alex and Georgia M. All up thats about 19+19+22+20= 80 birthday bashes this week.
Ok now onto the next part of the agenda.
Now while I have around 100+ hits a month, i have noticed, due to the brilliance (although it could be better) of my web counter, that i have a high incidence of readers that read in ENGLISH/US, among smaller amounts in other languages. Now whether or not that is due to the fact that I have people in america reading my blog, or that the language settings of people i know, who are reading my blog, are set to ENGLISH/US, I won't know until my blog counter gives me a new set of data relating to where everybody who is reading this comes from. But none the less, i shall take this opportunity to thank everyone, be it from the US, Australia, Australia with US language on their browsers, China, the UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Polland, Brazil, Romania, Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Germany, Denmark or Taiwan, for reading my blog.
This little segment was something I came up with in the early days of my blog, when it was known as SBOEL (the Spontaneous Banter of Everyday Lives) and was to congratulate people on their birthdays. I thought i might bring it back.
For today: the 16th of March, I know of only one birthday in my closer circles, whether or not he's reading this is beyond me, but to you Mr Whiteside, Happy birthday, thats 19 birthday bashes i owe you when i see you next.
For the rest of the week Birthday bashes go out to Mandy C, my brother Alex and Georgia M. All up thats about 19+19+22+20= 80 birthday bashes this week.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I feel so TOOT
Ok this was written a while ago, and i only just realised that i hadn't published it, it was probably due to the lack of a photo to demonstrate. Anyway here's my encounter with the "double bastard". And toot is my code word for fat, (for those who don't recognise where it comes from, see DRAWN TOGETHER)
Ok i ate alot at this particular day, i won't go into the finer details of what I ate because it pales in comparison to what I'm about to tell you.
Ok i ate alot at this particular day, i won't go into the finer details of what I ate because it pales in comparison to what I'm about to tell you.
In the last post i mentioned that I was late to work. Well this meant that i'd missed lunch and I had a split shift, so during the hour that i had off, I decided to have my staff burger. Now I had a brilliant idea a couple of weeks ago about making a burger with more than one beef pattie. Today, I made that idea a reality when I created the Bastard Prince/aka the Double Bastard (with the help of Steph).
It took 5 minutes to cook, it consisted of 1 Bastard Burger + an extra 1/3 pound beef pattie, cheese on each pattie, and extra bacon.
It weighed 735g
and took me 11 minutes to polish it off"Hi... my name is joe, I have a wife and two kids and I work in a button factory, one day, the boss came to me and said 'can you bring a cucumber?"
The day events:
8th March - Mum's Birthday - Kieran stays over and we watch movies till 3 in the morning
9th March - Dropped Kieran at Church - Alex wants Oporto to supplement meagre breakfast - I drink one Red Bull to keep me awake after having only 5 hours sleep - Visit Grandmother in West Pymble and have tea - get called by Steff at 12 (shift manager at the moment of calling) and end up realising that I'm supposed to be working - Rush to work - on the way Steff calls back and asks me to bring in a cucumber or 2 (stop thinking stupid things people, its for burgers) - I agree - I arrive at work at 1 - By this stage i have a bottle of V and am consuming it - 1 hour break at 5pm, I decide to have a burger large enough to constitute for lunch and dinner - enter the Bastard Prince - started eating at 5:02 pm - finish 11 minutes later - feeling full and satiated for the rest of the night - by 7pm I'm realising that i function really well on 2 servings of RB/V a day when at work - 8:30 uber rush comes in and i feel great about it, everything working well - not one bit stressed - go home on bus but realise that i have no travel pass (not valid untill i repay) and i have no money - feel guilty about that but bus driver lets me ride for 90c - I get home at 11pm and i stay up writing this blog.
Elaborations and Photos pending.
8th March - Mum's Birthday - Kieran stays over and we watch movies till 3 in the morning
9th March - Dropped Kieran at Church - Alex wants Oporto to supplement meagre breakfast - I drink one Red Bull to keep me awake after having only 5 hours sleep - Visit Grandmother in West Pymble and have tea - get called by Steff at 12 (shift manager at the moment of calling) and end up realising that I'm supposed to be working - Rush to work - on the way Steff calls back and asks me to bring in a cucumber or 2 (stop thinking stupid things people, its for burgers) - I agree - I arrive at work at 1 - By this stage i have a bottle of V and am consuming it - 1 hour break at 5pm, I decide to have a burger large enough to constitute for lunch and dinner - enter the Bastard Prince - started eating at 5:02 pm - finish 11 minutes later - feeling full and satiated for the rest of the night - by 7pm I'm realising that i function really well on 2 servings of RB/V a day when at work - 8:30 uber rush comes in and i feel great about it, everything working well - not one bit stressed - go home on bus but realise that i have no travel pass (not valid untill i repay) and i have no money - feel guilty about that but bus driver lets me ride for 90c - I get home at 11pm and i stay up writing this blog.
Elaborations and Photos pending.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Multiple non-related Updates
OK just a couple of things.
1) Readership these past 2 months has exceeded 100 hits per month, which I'm quite happy with, It spurs me on to do more.
2) I am super happy that i joined SUUFA aka the Sydney University Ultimate Frisbee Association, because I have been itching to play ultimate Frisbee since year 11 (2006 people)
3)Work is good but as my luck would have it i did something silly.
4)I'm going ANTI-GYM, the meaning of this? Simple i shall now take my physical training to the streets and parks, instead of the gym.
P.S. Photos Pending...
1) you may have noticed at the bottom a small hit counter and "buy ink jet cartridges" or something along those lines. If you are not from Britain that little sponsor add has nothing to do with you so ignore. Anyway i set it up in January as Blogger.com has no real hit management system in place for its blogs and bloggers.
My reports indicate that in January i had 126 hits and in February 116.
I am quite impressed with these figures as i never expected my blog to get this much attention. Either way i shall continue to bring you tidbits of my life, with a minimal amount of bitchiness that most other blogs seem to be teeming with, simply for the love of my readers.
Thank you for helping me reach over the 200 mark, now aiming for 1000 before June.
2) On Thursday i happened by the president of SUUFA, Brett, and one of my primary school classmates turned BSc compatriots, Christine, whilst milling around Manning Forecourt looking for something to do during O-week. This one event was the trigger for an entire night of partying which was super fun. We went upstairs to Manning Bar and stayed there whilst socialising for a couple of hours before being forcibly made to change locations because the bar was closing (I think it was for some gig of some kind). Anyway, after that, Brett, Bruce, Louie, Big Tom, Scott, Emily, Nat, Sarah, Emma, Ali B, Bailey, Myself and a few others who's names escape me at this point in time (it is 0250 of march 1) moved to the Marly Bar on King in Newtown, where we played pool and Emily (fellow SUUFA rookie at the first SUUFA social for the year [yeah i forgot to mention it was officially a SUUFA social]) made her big splash into SUUFA by sinking the winning shot using Frisbee rules (staring down your opponents as you take the winning shot) not once but 3 TIMES! After that we went to happy hour at Kuletos, a cocktail bar just down the road from Marly, for 2 for 1 Happy hour. Personally I didn't drink, but I did end up buying a punnet of strawberries to eat (they were good, i wish there was a strawberry appreciation society or something like that... I mean they have the Chocolate Society, why not its healthier but also as popular flavouring and treat strawberries... note to self, investigate matter further) while many of the SUUFA members were working out what to call me (nickname wise), I told them my rule (you can call me what you want so long as i agree to it) and they decided on Cheswick (this nickname is the handy work of one Mr Sean who is currently in America, props to you Sean it managed to catch on), or Charlie.
Much more drinking happened before Happy Hour ended, I insisted that the others get some food into them lest they wished to be out before midnight, which resulted in a trip to Istanbul the kebab restaurant just next door to Kuletos (yeah when Ali told me that we were going to Istanbul i thought we were actually going to the country, silly me huh) before hopping on the bus to head out to BarBroadway, SUUFA's sponsor, for more drinks and more pool. On the way to BarBroadway Brett, Bailey and myself got off in front of the Seymour Centre walked to and dropped our bags at Bailey's whilst also picking up Bailey's roomie Adam. When we arrived in BarBroadway the beer and pool continued from the Marly. After BarBroadway we went to Side bar, which Adam eloquently described to me as a backpacker slut bar, to be honest I think you'd only see it that way if you were actually "on the market", there we danced the night away. Emily, who i should mention left us to go watch a concert by a canadian band which i have heard of but the name escapes my consciousness at the moment, met up with us at the sidebar and we further danced before leaving at 2 (not before making Adam say "this is the last song" 4 times before actually leaving). Walked back to Bailey and Adams flat, i got my bag, Emily and Brett crashed and I went home via night ride.
Had a very fun night. So looking forward to next Thursday where i actually get to play some Frisbee!
3) ahh today at work, it said i had to detail clean the shelves under and around the eftpos area. Now I've done this job before but today i put a little too much effort into it. around about 8pm i decided to finish off the job. I was cleaning around the till and its computers when i accidentally pulled out a plug from the back of what would appear to be a hard drive. I heard a beep with strong attack and gradual decay (that's musicology for strong at first and feeble at the end) and as I looked up to see it the till was OK, my mind dropped into slow-mo as i saw the black screen and in my head i just heard "ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo.................". Also as my luck would have it, it was the start of a rush... a big rush. 8 people queued up in front of the till, and not till to process orders. It was bad... We had to go back to old fashioned pen, paper, carbon paper and calculator to run orders. We survived but boy was it hectic. Also i didn't end up finishing my cleaning job... i guess I'll come in early tomorrow and finish it off.
4) I have cancelled my membership with the Gym fitness corporation Fitness First, primarily because I'm a pov Uni student now and can no longer afford the expense of getting fit in an air conditioned well equipt facility. That said, starting Monday or Tuesday I'm taking my fitness to the streets and parks, in the early morning and am going to use the resources i have available to me, aka what ever i find that might assist in working out, and start getting fitter! The reason being? Aside from wanting to look better, is that I made it a new years resolution and i plan to at least keep several of these annual things before i kick the bucket in about 7 tenths of a century (give or take a few years to a decade).
So yeah that's Chuck Daily news to the date.
Thanks for reading this majorly epic post and I'll catch you all sooner or later
1) Readership these past 2 months has exceeded 100 hits per month, which I'm quite happy with, It spurs me on to do more.
2) I am super happy that i joined SUUFA aka the Sydney University Ultimate Frisbee Association, because I have been itching to play ultimate Frisbee since year 11 (2006 people)
3)Work is good but as my luck would have it i did something silly.
4)I'm going ANTI-GYM, the meaning of this? Simple i shall now take my physical training to the streets and parks, instead of the gym.
P.S. Photos Pending...
1) you may have noticed at the bottom a small hit counter and "buy ink jet cartridges" or something along those lines. If you are not from Britain that little sponsor add has nothing to do with you so ignore. Anyway i set it up in January as Blogger.com has no real hit management system in place for its blogs and bloggers.
My reports indicate that in January i had 126 hits and in February 116.
I am quite impressed with these figures as i never expected my blog to get this much attention. Either way i shall continue to bring you tidbits of my life, with a minimal amount of bitchiness that most other blogs seem to be teeming with, simply for the love of my readers.
Thank you for helping me reach over the 200 mark, now aiming for 1000 before June.
2) On Thursday i happened by the president of SUUFA, Brett, and one of my primary school classmates turned BSc compatriots, Christine, whilst milling around Manning Forecourt looking for something to do during O-week. This one event was the trigger for an entire night of partying which was super fun. We went upstairs to Manning Bar and stayed there whilst socialising for a couple of hours before being forcibly made to change locations because the bar was closing (I think it was for some gig of some kind). Anyway, after that, Brett, Bruce, Louie, Big Tom, Scott, Emily, Nat, Sarah, Emma, Ali B, Bailey, Myself and a few others who's names escape me at this point in time (it is 0250 of march 1) moved to the Marly Bar on King in Newtown, where we played pool and Emily (fellow SUUFA rookie at the first SUUFA social for the year [yeah i forgot to mention it was officially a SUUFA social]) made her big splash into SUUFA by sinking the winning shot using Frisbee rules (staring down your opponents as you take the winning shot) not once but 3 TIMES! After that we went to happy hour at Kuletos, a cocktail bar just down the road from Marly, for 2 for 1 Happy hour. Personally I didn't drink, but I did end up buying a punnet of strawberries to eat (they were good, i wish there was a strawberry appreciation society or something like that... I mean they have the Chocolate Society, why not its healthier but also as popular flavouring and treat strawberries... note to self, investigate matter further) while many of the SUUFA members were working out what to call me (nickname wise), I told them my rule (you can call me what you want so long as i agree to it) and they decided on Cheswick (this nickname is the handy work of one Mr Sean who is currently in America, props to you Sean it managed to catch on), or Charlie.
Much more drinking happened before Happy Hour ended, I insisted that the others get some food into them lest they wished to be out before midnight, which resulted in a trip to Istanbul the kebab restaurant just next door to Kuletos (yeah when Ali told me that we were going to Istanbul i thought we were actually going to the country, silly me huh) before hopping on the bus to head out to BarBroadway, SUUFA's sponsor, for more drinks and more pool. On the way to BarBroadway Brett, Bailey and myself got off in front of the Seymour Centre walked to and dropped our bags at Bailey's whilst also picking up Bailey's roomie Adam. When we arrived in BarBroadway the beer and pool continued from the Marly. After BarBroadway we went to Side bar, which Adam eloquently described to me as a backpacker slut bar, to be honest I think you'd only see it that way if you were actually "on the market", there we danced the night away. Emily, who i should mention left us to go watch a concert by a canadian band which i have heard of but the name escapes my consciousness at the moment, met up with us at the sidebar and we further danced before leaving at 2 (not before making Adam say "this is the last song" 4 times before actually leaving). Walked back to Bailey and Adams flat, i got my bag, Emily and Brett crashed and I went home via night ride.
Had a very fun night. So looking forward to next Thursday where i actually get to play some Frisbee!
3) ahh today at work, it said i had to detail clean the shelves under and around the eftpos area. Now I've done this job before but today i put a little too much effort into it. around about 8pm i decided to finish off the job. I was cleaning around the till and its computers when i accidentally pulled out a plug from the back of what would appear to be a hard drive. I heard a beep with strong attack and gradual decay (that's musicology for strong at first and feeble at the end) and as I looked up to see it the till was OK, my mind dropped into slow-mo as i saw the black screen and in my head i just heard "ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo.................". Also as my luck would have it, it was the start of a rush... a big rush. 8 people queued up in front of the till, and not till to process orders. It was bad... We had to go back to old fashioned pen, paper, carbon paper and calculator to run orders. We survived but boy was it hectic. Also i didn't end up finishing my cleaning job... i guess I'll come in early tomorrow and finish it off.
4) I have cancelled my membership with the Gym fitness corporation Fitness First, primarily because I'm a pov Uni student now and can no longer afford the expense of getting fit in an air conditioned well equipt facility. That said, starting Monday or Tuesday I'm taking my fitness to the streets and parks, in the early morning and am going to use the resources i have available to me, aka what ever i find that might assist in working out, and start getting fitter! The reason being? Aside from wanting to look better, is that I made it a new years resolution and i plan to at least keep several of these annual things before i kick the bucket in about 7 tenths of a century (give or take a few years to a decade).
So yeah that's Chuck Daily news to the date.
Thanks for reading this majorly epic post and I'll catch you all sooner or later
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