Late this evening my brother realised that all offers would have been published in SMH. With that knowledge he dragged me out of the house to go find out what I got offered.
There at the Caltex Servo on Military Rd, I discovered what i was offered. Today... I got offered a place in the Bachelor of Science/Masters of Nursing degree at The University of Sydney!
The artists impression says it all really :D. There we were, standing over the ice cream fridge, newspaper in front of us while we were reading through the plethora of names to find out what I was offered. When we found out what 511914 meant, Alex got all excited, went to hug me and headbutted me in the process.
Then and there, I felt like a tool... BUT i was a HAPPY tool and it also helped me feel less tool-like as i saw other HSC grads coming in and picking up a paper to find out what they got.
Me? I didn't buy the paper, but not for the reason you think... NO I'm not that cheap, It's just that Alex subscribed to SMH and we'd have gotten it in the morning.
Anyway there's a chronology of events. The red on the second last one, is a circling of my name and offer... albeit very unclear, if you click on it and look closely you'll see TIAN, CD
Happiness much?
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