
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Essays Pt 3

YAY I BROKE 2000! I'm on the home stretch and its only 6 days late.

NURS5001 Letter

NURS5002 Essay

This one is not so great... its due today at 5pm and I don't have an extension for it, and rarg. :o

Monday, May 03, 2010

Essays part 2 of who knows how many

Time to check in...

NURS5001 Letter

NURS5002 Essay

*sigh* much to be done... still

Saturday, May 01, 2010


So I fail at writing essays. I am absolutely hopeless at writing essays. That said, a good friend of mine, Chloe, referred me onto Dr Wicked's Write or Die web app. The site is pretty self explanatory if you go there.
Anyway so logging my current essays

NURS5001 Letter

NURS5002 Essay

*sigh* much to be done